Russ was born and raised in Warren, Ohio, where he spent most of his childhood. After returning from Nicaragua where he lived for a few years as a teen with his father, his grandma led him to Jesus at the age of 17. He then began attending First Assembly of God in Warren, Ohio. This is where he was filed with the Holy Spirit and called into ministry.
After graduating high school, Russ joined the military. They sent him to Ft Hood, Texas, where he served in the army for 2 years. Upon completion of military service, he continued to live in Killeen/Ft Hood area being discipled by his pastor. He then began to attend Southwestern Assembly of God University where he graduated in 2012 with a degree in Bible and Church Ministry. Since 2012, Russ has served as the associate pastor of Killeen First Assembly of God. He was ordained with the Assemblies of God in 2014.
Russ feels called to world-wide evangelism. Wherever God calls him, he believes signs and wonders will follow the work of the Lord. The lost will be saved. The sick will be healed. Believers will be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The church will be planted. The name of Jesus will be glorified!
Dream so big that you will fail so that when you succeed you will know it was God.
Since I was a young child, I’ve dreamed of going to Africa. Missionaries were like “Super-Heroes” to me. I collected their prayer cards like baseball cards. It was a dream—surely I could never do something that great. However, this dream never died within me. The passion only grew stronger.
In January 2007, my dream came true. I arrived in South Africa to serve missionaries, Wayne and Delight Peercy. The question still loomed in my head, “Did God want me to be a missionary?” It seemed too great a sacrifice to give up family for such a long time. Finally, I gave God my family and my dreams. I put my life in the offering plate—I was the living sacrifice. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” (Jim Elliot-missionary martyr). Peace and joy filled me. There is nothing like being in God’s will. The Lord showed me that the harvest is ready, but the laborers are so few. It was in South Africa that I was first called “Pastor Sarah.” Africa has filled my heart. While I was there, I had many opportunities to minister to the youth. Doors were opened and relationships were built. I had no idea that I would be returning to this very nation to do youth ministry. God was preparing the harvest, and He was preparing my heart.
When I returned to America, I applied to be a missionary with the Assemblies of God. I was asked to be the FIRST missionary to develop the National Youth Ministries in South Africa. Then from 2014-2017 I helped pioneer the university ministry for our national church. Truly–when we give God our dreams, He gives us so much more.
Then on August 5, 2017, a long time personal dream was fulfilled when Russ and I were married! Now we get to begin a life of ministry together. I’m excited to see where God takes us. The Lord assured me that “He will do it again.” Just as he led me to South Africa, He is now leading us as husband and wife to do his ministry.
Sarah graduated with her Ministerial Studies Diploma in July 2005 and became an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in 2008. She served in South Africa as a missionary from 2007-2017.
Find out more at their website: Disciple Africa
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