Here are some ways you can help benefit Waco First Assembly.
1) Donate Online
(Click here to give) –
If you are a visitor, we do not expect you to thithe to Waco First Assembly. Please just enjoy our service and let us know if we can support you in any way. If you have joined as a member and consider WFA your church home, we believe the tithe is an important way to walk out our Christian faith.
2) Amazon Smile!
If you love to shop online, you might have already heard about Amazon Smile. If you haven’t, let us tell you about it. You can set up Waco First Assembly (listed under First Assembly of God in Waco) to be a beneficiary of a percentage of your shopping dollars. More details here.
Please don’t feel like you need to change it to WFA if you already use it, but if you don’t have anyone designated, we’d be honored if you chose us. 🙂
3) Time and Talents
We run primarily on volunteers, so if you have a gift in any area and would love to use it for WFA, please let us know!