Freedom Ministry:

Gateway Freedom Ministry’s Bob Hamp reveals paradigm shifting


Soma School of Christianity:

Four Great Truths about God (adapted from Tim Chester’s You Can Change) Master Classes

Discipleship Evangelism Condensed Course:
Short lessons with Bible verses to train us and disciple. One year’s worth of weekly notes, or can be viewed at  your own pace.


Power of Renewed Mind:

Henry Cloud’s Power of the Other: How our thinking changes our ability to process and create and keep closer to God. Also, how we are the solution God sends sometimes.

Eustress (How thinking about stress can change how the body reacts in healthy or unhealthy ways) Kelly McGonigal

Vulnerability: How vulnerability connects us, how shame separates us. Brene Brown.


Father’s Heart:

  • – James Jordan of FatherHeart Ministries talks about Father’s Love for us.

Jewish Concepts that amplify the Bible:

Explore the whole bible Project:


Wild At Heart