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Author: admin
Phase 1 Plans
Governor Abbott’s executive order GA-18 asks churches to continue to do as much remotely as possible. We have received a similar request from the North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. In accordance with our desire to be good citizens of Texas and as good members of the Assemblies of God, we will not […]
Thursday Thoughts 4/30/2020
Psalm 34 talks about life with God. I agree with King David. Let’s bless the Lord at all times. Let’s have praise continually be in our mouths. Let’s boast in the Lord and make Him famous. Let’s be humble and rejoice in the Lord. Let’s magnify the Lord together and let’s exalt His name together. […]
Thursday Thought 4/23/2020
I heard today a phrase I want you to consider. “Come on folks, we’re ‘good news bears.’” Bobby Haney, Wednesday Zoom Prayer Meeting of 1Twenty2 Chuch, Gathering of Friends. He reminds us that we are not “Bad News Bears,” but bearers and sharers of the good news. So, for every negative thing that leaves your […]
Thursday Thought 4/16/2020
Jeremiah 2:19 ends with the statement, “And the dread of Me is not in you,” declares the Lord GOD of hosts” (NASB). The use of the word, “dread,” occurs only here in the whole Bible. It comes from startlement that produces fear or awe. Webster’s Dictionary says that it means the state of being strongly […]
Thursday Thoughts 4/9/2020
Easter is approaching, hopping into our year once again. The egg hunts will be limited this year, but God’s Spirit celebrates, and we celebrate, the resurrection of the Messiah all the time. Hope is with us because Jesus sent His Spirit to live with us. We may be scattered, but we are united in Christ […]
Thursday Thoughts 4/2/2020
In Judges, after Joshua’s death, the Israelites had a mixed time of their conquest. Some people they could conquer and/ or drive out, but others they did not (Judges 1:27, 28, 32, 33). Some, when they got the upper hand, they turned into forced labor (Judges 1:30, 33, 35). This was not what God had […]
Announcements 3/22/2020
Check back weekly for our updated announcements!If you would like to receive our weekly announcements in email form, please Subscribe Here! General Announcements – March collection is all hygiene items. We’ll be making goody bags for handing out as needs arise. Please drop in lobby! – We need help collecting non-meltable candy for our Easter […]
Thursday Thoughts 3/19/2020
Consider the Lillies: God’s Cure for Worry “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today […]
Regarding Upcoming Events
Dear Fellow Waco First Assembliers, The Mayor has asked that groups of ten or more not meet until the emergency is over. The Bible asks us to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” Unless the state asks us to do something contrary to God’s will […]