Psalm 34 talks about life with God. I agree with King David. Let’s bless the Lord at all times. Let’s have praise continually be in our mouths. Let’s boast in the Lord and make Him famous. Let’s be humble and rejoice in the Lord. Let’s magnify the Lord together and let’s exalt His name together. Let’s boast and brag in Him. We give glory to God. Lord send you glory to our church. Let us bask in your presence and goodness.
If we seek Him, He will answer us. He will deliver us from our fears. If we look to Him, He will make us radiant in His reflected glory. If we obey and are partnered with Him, we will never be ashamed. The Lord hears our cries and saves us out of all our troubles. He sends Angels to encamp around us and rescue us. Taste and see that the Lord is Good! Take refuge in Him and be blessed! Fear the Lord, revere and bless Him. He will honor us who do so. Unlike lions who hunger, we will have all good things from His hand.
Lord, teach us to fear You, teach us to desire Your life for us. Keep our tongues from evil and our lips from deception. Let us depart from evil and to run to truly do good in your strength and giftings. Help us seek peace, pursuing it always. Let us have peace in our hearts and minds. Let us work from a place of rest and being centered in You oh Lord.
Lord, Your eyes are on Your children and Your ears hear our cries. You set your face against evil doers and remove them from the face of the earth. The righteousness of Christ within us draws your eyes to us. We are unified in Christ. Your ears are open to our righteous cries. You are our deliverer, from whom our help comes. You comfort the brokenhearted with your nearness, and save the crushed in spirit. We have many afflictions but you deliver us out of them all. You preserve us down to the bones and you make dry bones to live. You slay the wicked and prefer less the haters.
Let us seek Him, praise Him, follow Him, rest in Him and act with Him.
Let our being children of God inform and fuel our doing what He wills. Let us partner with Him about our family business. Lets do what He says, and all that He says. Let’s not do more than He says, but spend the extra time with Him in His presence, word and prayers. Pray with God!
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