Please help us welcome Tim and Rachel Ware for our October Missions Sunday!

After eighteen years in bi-vocational ministry in rural and suburban churches, in 2008 Tim and Rachel became U.S. Missionaries in inner city ministry, before transitioning in 2010 to focus on advancing ministry leaders and churches. Tim believes we are all created to advance and that it is never the Lord’s intention for us to remain as we are. Tim believes that advancement in our personal relationship with the Lord, as leaders, and as churches only happens through intentional effort. To advance in his missionary calling to come along side pastors and churches, Tim obtained a Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Ministries, a Master’s Degree in Leadership, completed his ordination, became a Certified Consultant/Leadership Coach with Church Life Resources, Certified Trainer with Acts 2 Journey, a Certified Level 3 Coach with the AG Coaching Network, and completed his ordination. He and Rachel and I live in the rural town of Bluff Dale, TX. We have two adult children, one is serves as a missionary associate in a sensitive area of Asia.
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