The Godwin’s had the privilege of serving in Mongolia (Asia Pacific) for over 18 years (Pastoring Hope Church, serving the Women’s Prison through compassion, evangelism and discipleship ministry, reaching women both in and coming out of prostitution, Directing the Mongolia Bible School, Directing the Full Life Study Bible (Fire Bible) translation Project, serving in church planting and mission initiatives, and mentoring of emerging leaders). The Church in Mongolia is growing, vibrant and strong (from 5 known believers in 1990 to now over 600 churches and 100,000 Christians).
It was in late 2012 when God began to speak to their hearts and prepare the way for moving to Estonia to become a part of the vision to see Churches planted in this nation, which is considered to be the “Least Religious Nation in the World”. Only 1% of Estonians under the age of 40 are considered to be evangelical believers/followers of Christ.
The Godwin’s moved to Tallinn, Estonia in February 2015, serving with the first Church Plant (Focus Church-launched in September 2014) through May 2016. This give them opportunity to not only serve with and through this planting team, but also to learn more about Estonian history, culture, language, and spiritual needs, first hand. It also gave to Bob and Chrissy opportunity to build personal relationships, connection and share the Gospel with Estonians and expats living in Estonia, throughout the various areas of the city and nation.
They were also able to use this first year to do the key research needed to determine the locations of greatest need for new churches (most unreached areas).
Bob and Chrissy will return to Estonia in July 2017 (after completing the goals of this furlough) to begin the work of planting a new church in the west area of Tallinn (capital city of 450,000) called Haabersti (one of the 8 administrative districts of Tallinn, located in West Tallinn) – 60,000 plus people with only two evangelical congregations in this section of the city. This area of West Tallinn also contains the Tallinn University of Technology (13,000 + Students).
Godwins in Estonia Facebook Page
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