Fatherheart A School
Experiencing the Father’s Love
December 26, 2023 – January 1, 2024
An “A” school is a one week environment for you to encounter, experience, and dwell in a revelation of the love of the Father. A place to find the glorious freedom of the sons of God.
More info: FatherHeart.net
Leonard and Lesley Hays
From the beginning, Leonard and Lesley have been all in for the Gospel, literally plucked out of the fire, and dropped into the awaiting arms of a loving Father. Truly, they were two of the least likely candidates for a life of ministry. After completing a MA in Clinical Psychology at Wheaton College they headed for the mission field, where they spent 12 years Church Planting, raising up National leadership and ultimately planting a house of prayer in Latin America.
Serving the poor and oppressed, training youth leaders, church planting and for the final 3 years planting and giving leadership to the house of prayer in Cuernavaca, Mexico. They raised their 3 children on the mission field, where, as a family, they lived out an incarnational Gospel. The Lord sovereignly called them out of the field where they transitioned into life in Kansas City. Their ministry allowed them first hand to see the amazing saving Grace of Jesus and the Divine power manifest in the Holy Spirit.
After over 20 years of full-time ministry, Leonard and Lesley recognize what Jesus was saying when he said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV) There is a great peace as we recognize in Christ, we live in the heart of the Father, despite all that the world has to throw at us. He really has the whole world in His hands!
Leonard and Lesley are currently full-time with FatherHeart Ministries (fatherheart.net), where they travel and speak as itinerant ministers and A school leaders, sharing the Love of the Father wherever He may take them. They are learning to live each day from their heart, and to live loved!
Leonard and Lesley have been blessed with 3 amazing children, 1 daughter-in-law, 1 grandson and Hunter the lab! (he’s pretty sweet too)
About Fatherheart Ministries
We exist as a ministry:
“To take the revelation of the Love of the Father to every stream of Christianity, to every denomination, to every country, every culture and finally face to face with every person.”
– We are finding that this prophetic revelation and sound biblical teaching of the Love of the Father working through hearts that are open is producing a transforming, life-giving message of Love, Life and Hope throughout the earth.
– We are finding a father that loves us with a love that reaches beyond all human expression of what love is.
This truly is a love that surpasses knowledge.
– FHM Schools are an environment of revelation of love. Here many throughout the world are experiencing of the love that Father has for each one through His Son, Jesus Christ.